Elementary Information Regarding TheDomainSnooper at thedomainsnooper.com
TheDomainSnooper from thedomainsnooper.com is a helpful tool. TheDomainSnooper allows users to keep track of domains that are linked to from well liked videos or Pinterest pins and other social networks, and to get notifications of domains that have expired.
Why Find Expired Domains?
TheDomainSnooper is great because it allows users to find domains related to their preferred niches that already have ongoing traffic.
As a user, you create a list of related keywords and then search for sites that are being sent traffic from social profiles similar to those keywords.
If there are any ‘dropped’ domains that are being linked to, you can choose those domains either to put up a site or to use them to redirect to an existing site or affiliate link.
This is a good, low friction way of getting traffic.
Someone else has already done the labor and you are simply taking advantage of it.
At seoengineoptimizations dot com there is a list of great paid and free products associated with online marketing and affiliate marketing. Each product does one thing and does it well, and it’s fair to say the same is true of TheDomainSnooper.
By itself, it’s not going to get you a big number of conversions. You still should do the keyword research and build the site. What it can do, however, is helping people to discover expired domains across YouTube, Pinterest and other platforms. That’s a huge amount of groundwork and will position you in a excellent place to do other marketing.
Making the Best Site With Those Expired Domains
The domains that are flagged up by the snooping tools are ones that have been linked to from popular, high traffic videos, posts and pins.
These domains have a decent amount of ‘social juice’ and they likely get a lot of clicks as well. Getting the same level of traffic from domains that you build up on your own is not usually simple, so it makes sense to find aged domains instead.
The most common way to monetize the domains is to redirect them to an affiliate site. This is a nice easy way of monetizing traffic from a range of sources.
Also, you could set up a content site on some hosting and then link to the affiliate sites from there. Your content site should make some effort to obtain visitor information so that you have a chance to bring those visitors back on a day to day basis.
It is also a positive idea to redirect to your site or shop. In a shop you can link different domains to different products or categories.
To find key phrases to search for, there are good tool info at seoengineoptimizations dot com. If you use THIS domain name provider there are free stats for redirects. This is the globes best domain name provider with a fast and clean site and low prices, when I got these tips it was valued at $ 1000.
If there are not enough visitors from in-links, build a site on the domain or sell it. It already has in-links and will rank.
The tool has found many of expired domains. There are almost 100,000 expired citation domains available at this moment in time, and more than 750,000 expired domains with YouTube traffic just sitting there waiting to be claimed. There are even tens of thousands of expired domains that are being linked to from YouTube clips.
That’s highly qualified traffic just waiting to be used.
The challenge is finding those domains and figuring out what people are searching for so that you can get that traffic for yourself. Remember, the standards necessary to be accepted as a source on Wikipedia are quite exacting. If a site was worthy of linking to from Wikipedia, it was probably a high authority site.
This means that the Wikipedia links probably weren’t the only links that those websites had. If you purchase one, you will probably find that it has good Domain Authority and Page Rank as well.
Select Your Keywords
“Domain Snooping” will work best if you choose the right keywords. Look for “how to” articles relating to the subject, or product reviews and unboxings.
If you’re marketing a brand or a practice, or something like a style of clothing or a piece of jewelry that has been made memorable by a well-known person, then you might be able to find Wikipedia links associated with that.
Build up a long list of keywords and phrases, and then initiate using those to Snoop, and sift through the expired domains that are found. Most niches should have some expired niches; these days domains drop on a regular basis. People register domains with the intent to use them, then forget that the domains existed.
All you have to do is invest in those domains and you’re good to go.
It’s this ease that makes using a snooping tool to find old and expired domains such a valuable strategy for any person who is serious about online marketing.
Why Out Dated Domains?
The reason that you’re seeking out expired domains is that you can pick them up for the cost of the registration fee with the registrar of your choice, then you have complete control over them. Registration fees are cheap and when you own a domain you are totally in charge of what the domain points to and the content that goes up on that site.
You could contact a domain owner and ask them to add a link for you, and some owners are thrilled to link exchange or to post an ad in exchange for money.
Some domain owners may even be happy to sell a domain to you if they are not using it any more but they will most likely be wanting to make a profit.
You could, also, contact the person who has posted the dead link and suggest to them that they replace the link with a link to one of your own existing properties. This is usually harder than just buying up the dead link, however, and you cannot guarantee that the owner of the content will update it even if they do own it.
Buying up the domains is the simplest way to ensure that they get the content that you want, and since it’s inexpensive, it makes sense. You can even host the domains on other servers and cross-link them so that you can build up a good network of sites, with the search engines thinking of them as distinct sites.
It’s one of the most powerful ways of building up a strong and reliable online presence with thee help of TheDomainSnooper.