When It Comes To Earning Cash On The Internet Long Tail Keywords Might Be Your Best Option
It’s widely recognized that every page of your blog should wind up targeting a different key word, the real question is which keywords are you going to target. Once you decide the correct key word phrase that you would like to target for your web page proper search engine optimization techniques need to be applied. In relation to long tail keyword phrases something you should be aware of is the fact that many individuals do not utilize these simply because the volume of searches is low. Here we are going to be looking at long tail keyword phrases and why this might actually be your best bet when it comes to targeting phrases for your web pages.
Something you are going to find with regards to looking for long tail keywords is that generally there are incredibly few searches done, usually 50 or less searches each month. But something you should understand is that you ought to have the ability to rank incredibly high in search engines like Google, even obtaining the number one position for these types of phrases. Needless to say when you have the first position in the various search engines for these long tail keywords you can probably be expecting about one visitor per day or 30 visitors per month. By repeating this process every single day with different key word phrases, and only creating one new post each day, in a month’s time you may be bringing in 900 visitors each and every month easily. Obviously you are not going to want to stop after just a month, you are going to want to continue this every single day for providing you own this web site and in time your traffic will be enormous.
When most people do regular keyword research they simply go to Google’s keyword tool and find suggestions, but this process will be a little more in depth when searching for long tail keyword phrases. Using the Google keyword research tool you could start off obtaining a huge list of keywords suggestions that are not long tail keywords, but this is where you’re going to want to begin. We are going to be looking at “puppy chewing” as a typical keyword which could come up for anyone who has a dog training web site or blog. Now all you have to do is come up with a phrase which will have something to do with puppy chewing that you believe folks actually search for like “stopping puppies from chewing”, and you’re going to see that 58 folks search for this phrase each and every month.
While it’s just one extra step when doing the keyword research you are going to find these long tail key words are very easy to rank for and you need to get the majority of the traffic when you obtain the number one position in the search engines. Now that you know how to choose key word phrases, and that long tail keyword phrases can wind up being very profitable, you might want to rethink making use of these.